Hospitality from Above (Philippians 2:1-11) | 1/7/24

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Hospitality from Above
(Philippians 2:1-11)

Main Idea:
Jesus opens wide the door of hospitality, meeting the humble wherever they are.


Hospitality from above…

  1. Jesus has forsaken his status.

  2. Jesus has become a servant.

  3. Jesus has humbled himself.



Reflect | Repent | Respond

  1. How has your status (real or desired) impacted your pride or humility?

    > What realities of Jesus explored today, reshape the way you think of yourself, others, God?

  2. What's the difference in desiring to “be a servant” and desiring to” live a life serving?”

    > Many want the title, few want the lifestyle.

  3. Jesus opens wide the door of hospitality to the humble… how does this change the way you welcome others?

Scott O'Donohoe