Hospitality Together (Acts 2:42-47) | 1/28/24

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Hospitality Together
(Acts 2:42-47)

Main Idea:
God’s mission marches through the ordinary welcome of God’s devoted people.


The early church was devoted to:

  1. …the Word. (v.42)

  2. …one another. (v.42-46)

  3. …the mission. (v.47)



Reflect | Repent | Respond

  1. What are you devoted to, above all?

    >> What evidence points to that being true?

    >> How does that change your devotion to everything else?

  2. What was the early church devoted to?

    >> How does that shape each of our devotions?

    >> How does that shape our devotion through life together?

    >> What needs to change?

  3. When we look at how Jesus, not only shared meals with, but gave his body for the church, how does that empower the church to do the same in hospitality together?

Scott O'Donohoe