Hospitality as Life (Romans 12:9-13) | 1/21/24

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Hospitality as Life
(Romans 12:9-13)

Main Idea:
In a world not home, the church gets to take home on the road by living as citizens of a heavenly kingdom, here and now.


5 Ways of Hospitality as Life:

  1. Love Genuinely.

  2. Be Devoted to Good.

  3. Hate Evil.

  4. Rejoice in Hope.

  5. Show Hospitality.



Reflect | Repent | Respond

  1. Have you considered that the kingdom of God is both a future reality (fully) & current reality (partially, here & now)?
    >> How does that set expectations for all of life?

    >> How does that set our mission in all of life?

  2. When you look at the “ways of Hospitality as life,” which are difficult? …what comes more naturally for you?
    > Genuine love • Clinging to good • Hating evil • Rejoicing in hope • Hospitality to one another.

  3. How does living life as a “living sacrifice” united with Christ, transform head / heart / hand to live hospitably?

Scott O'Donohoe