Deliverance (Psalm 30) | 12/17/23

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Order of Gathering

Prince of Heaven

O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Advent Reading
Time of Response

O Come All You Unfaithful
Angels We Have Heard



(Psalm 30)

Main Idea:
God joins His people in the valley of despair, and delivers joy to the mourning.


  1. When things feel hopeless, remember hope. (v.1-3)

  2. When now feels like forever, remember the long gain. (v.4-5)

  3. When we are the big deal, give thanks that God establishes in His strength. (v.6-12)



Reflect | Repent | Respond

  1. When have you cried out to the Lord? – If you haven’t, why not? If you have, what happened?

    > Do you see a pattern that you pray in desperate times, but trust yourself in times of comfort and success?

  2. Do you connect more with David in his high times or low times? – …ever forget the end, in the midst of suffering?

  3. What freedom are you missing out on by depending on yourself, rather than the one who holds all things?

    > How can David’s song shape your prayers, right now?

Scott O'Donohoe