Love (Psalm 136) | 12/10/23

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Order of Gathering

O Come All Ye Faithful (His Name Shall Be)

Adore Him
The First Noel
Advent Reading
Time of Response

Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Lift High (Emmanuel)



(Psalm 136)

Main Idea:
God’s steadfast love endures forever, above all.


Give thanks that God’s love…

  1. …separates Him alone as God.

  2. …displays his beauty through creation.

  3. …motivates his power to save and sustain.



Reflect | Repent | Respond

  1. What earthly relationships have most shaped your experience (perspective) with steadfast love?

    > Do those help or hurt your ability to embrace God’s?

  2. Have you considered that God’s actions toward his people is motivated by his love for us?

    > How is his nature, creation, and power to save & sustain magnified when we view them through his steadfast love?

  3. What is God’s steadfast love inviting you into?

    > Thankfulness? Loving God & others differently?

Scott O'Donohoe