Redeeming Singleness | 10/1/23

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Order of Gathering

This I Believe

Death Was Arrested
All for Love (Gethsemane)
Scripture Reading
Time of Respond

There Is a Fountain
Light and Momentary



Redeeming Singleness

Main Idea:
In Christ, we’re not defined by a relationship we don’t have, but by all the ones we do.


  1. The future of the church is unmarried. (Matt. 22:23-33; 1 Cor. 13:8-13)

  2. The devotion of the church is to Jesus. (1 Cor. 7:6-8; 25-35; 1 Cor. 10:13)

  3. The family of the church is the church. (Mark 10:24b-31)



Reflect | Repent | Respond

  1. Reflect on the unmarried future of the whole church.

    > What does your reaction say about the significance of significant others to being loved, fulfilled, etc.?

  2. How does the absence / presence of a significant other in your life affect what you’re devoted to?

    > What picture of the future is pushing you the most?

    > How much of what you’re devoted to is eternal?

  3. What steps can you take now to fulfill Jesus’ promise of family in the present for others in the church?

Scott O'Donohoe