Redeeming Friendship | 9/24/23

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Livestream begins shortly before the Gathering

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Order of Gathering

Before the Throne

Come and Tear Down These Walls
Yes and Amen
Scripture Reading
Time of Respond

On and On
Unity Hymn



Redeeming Friendship

Main Idea:
Friendship is God’s design for companionship through the mountain highs, valley lows, and every path in between.



  1. …build up. (4:9-10)

  2. …provide. (4:11)

  3. …stand with. (4:12)



Reflect | Repent | Respond

  1. Reflect on whether you consider “friendship” to be a good or bad thing? …a gift or an inconvenience?

    > Consider the names & faces that shape your idea?

  2. Where is the Word & Spirit challenging you to consider friendship as a gift worth recieving?

    > Are you friends with Jesus? – what’s that look like?

    > What part can you play in being a better friend?

  3. Whether you have many or few, thank God for your friends, and rejoice in God’s design for relationships.

Scott O'Donohoe