Leadership Matters (1 Samuel 2:11-26) | 2/25/24

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Leadership Matters
(1 Samuel 2:11-26)

Main Idea:
Those who lead God’s people must lead conformed to the character of God.


  1. Godly leaders must know God. (v. 11-12)

  2. Godly leaders live God’s way. (v. 13-21)

  3. Godly leaders’ only hope is God. (v. 22-26)



Reflect | Repent | Respond

  1. Where have you seen leaders of God’s people, lead without knowing God or living in His way?

    >> Where have you been that leader? >> What circles of life have you failed to see yourself as a leader?

    What leaders have you looked up to, who have failed you?

    >> How have you projected those failures towards God?

  2. How is Jesus the best leader, worth all of our heart?

    >> Consider the contrast of Jesus’ leadership and the leadership of the sons of Eli? >> How does unity with Christ transform your care from others / leadership to others?

Scott O'Donohoe