Redeeming Neighbors | 11/19/23

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King of My Heart
Scripture Reading
Time of Response

Make Room
Praise Him Forever



Redeeming Neighbors
(Luke 10:25-37)

Main Idea:
God’s work in neighboring transforms how his people see and move towards those in need.


A good neighbor…

  1. …is aware of those in need. (30-33)

  2. …moves toward those in need. (34)

  3. …is generous to those in need. (35)

  4. …shows mercy to those in need. (36-37)



Reflect | Repent | Respond

  1. Who have you considered to be your neighbor, and what responsibility have you had toward them?

    > How is the Word challenging your previous thoughts?

  2. If good neighboring is being aware, moving toward, generosity, & mercy – where do you need to change?

    > Since you have no need to justify yourself in Christ, confess those things, and ask God to change you!

  3. Because Jesus is the best neighbor to those in need, how can you give Him thanks for his mercy to you?

Scott O'Donohoe